Jumat, 23 Maret 2012


Ruri Agung Wahyuono*, Apriani Kusumawardhani*, Aninda Maharani**
* Jurusan Teknik Fisika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
** PT. PLN (Persero) Proyek Pembangkit dan Jaringan Bali Nusa Tenggara
Email: ruri_tf014@yahoo.com, apri@ep.its.ac.id, anin9387@yahoo.co.id 

In the optical fiber communication system small radius curvature of an optical fiber cable is potentially serious problem in power loss and further lead to the outbreak of fiber optics. It’s necessary to measure the effect of optical fiber curvature to the resulting power loss when the optical fiber is curved. Power loss can be evaluated in time domain using the OTDR. The process of data capture power loss due to bending (bending loss) carried out using Agilent E6000 Series Mini-OTDR at bending location 50m and 75m with three variations of the bending radius and five variations of loops. Agilent E6000 Series Mini-OTDR has been calibrated with OTDR Yokogawa AQ 7275 at bending location 75m. The results obtained from the eksperiment are a linear relationship between power loss to the number of loops and the exponential relationship between the bending loss to the bending radius and it is suitable with the theory. Minimum bending radius should bigger than 7 mm in order the power loss is less than 0.003dB/m.

Key words: Bending loss, bending radius, number of loop, OTDR

Study on Dry Heat Loss of a Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) Newborn Nursed in an Infant Incubator with Overhead Screen

Ruri Agung Wahyuono1) Ridho Hantoro2) Gunawan Nugroho3)
Department of Engineering Physics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Jl. Arief Rahman Hakim 60111, Surabaya, Indonesia
email: r_agung_w@ep.its.ac.id1), hantoro@ep.its.ac.id2), gunawan@ep.its.ac.id3)

Abstract   -   The thermal comfort is important aspect for keeping very low birth weight (VLBW) newborn warm. Incubator should provide neutral temperature environment to achieve the thermal comfort so that the newborn won’t suffer hypothermia due to higher heat losses. Additional overhead screen might help toward a better thermal comfort for nursing newborn in incubator. This numerical study aims to analyze the effect of overhead screen to the dry heat loss of a newborn nursed in an incubator. The dry heat loss is constrained to radiant and convective heat losses. The conductive heat loss isn’t analyzed as the study is performed in steady state. The numerical study is conducted by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) based on physical measurement on AMECARE incubator in Medical Equipment and Calibration Center Surabaya. The numerical calculation is shown for three variation of air setting temperature. The result shows that the presence of overhead screen can reduce the radiant and convective heat losses. The magnitude of dry heat losses reduce down to 6.05, 5.55, and 9.16 Watt respectively for three air setting temperature 32, 33, and 35oC. The numerical result obtained in this study is well verified to the result of experimental study of 129 VLBW newborn from the literature.
Keywords: VLBW newborn, dry heat loss, CFD, incubator, overhead screen.   .

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012


Hey All,
posting kali ini merupakan salah satu topik riset yang akan saya kembangkan untuk tesis, yaitu sel surya berpewarna tersensitisasi atau lebih beken disebut Dye-sensitized Solar Cell (DSC). Apa itu?? nah daripada penasaran, yuk bareng-bareng simak penjelasan berikut... Happy reading ya.. semoga bermanfaat, :D


Perkembangan sel surya saat ini tidak hanya pada sel surya berbasis wafer silicon saja (a-Si, mono dan poly Si) namun sel surya organik juga telah banyak diteliti untuk kebutuhan sel surya yang murah dan mudah dibuat.

Sejarah dan Perkembangan DSC

Pada tahun 1991, Michael Grätzel dan Brian O’Regan telah menemukan “Dye-sensitized Solar Cells” yang biasa disebut sel Grätzel. Sel pertama hanya dapat digunakan untuk spektrum ultraviolet dan biru pada cahaya matahari. Seiring perkembangan jaman, kemajuan teknologi mampu memperlebar frekuensi cahaya dimana sel surya ini mampu merespon cahaya matahari dengan memanfaatkan bahan dye tertentu. Bahan dye yang paling efisien secara mudah disebut dengan dye hitam karena warna dari dye yang sangat gelap.

Meskipun solar sel berbasis silicon saat ini lebih efisien, DSC tetap banyak dikembangkan karena proses manufakturnya yang mudah dan jauh lebih murah. Efisiensi secara keseluruhan penemuan dan penelitian DSC mampu mencapai 11% dengan memanfaatkan titanium dioksida (TiO2). Saat ini peneliti pada Universitas Washington menemukan teknik baru  yang mengadopsi metode bola popcorn. Ketika cahaya mengenai permukaan sel surya, beberapa persen cahaya dipantulkan. Ide pada efek bola popcorn  adalah membuat sebanyak  mungkin lapisan sangat tipis, sehingga efisiensi keluaran sel surya dapat berlipat ganda. 

Pada pengujian metode bola popcorn, peneliti takjub telah menemukan cara menaikkan efisiensi sel surya berbasis seng dioksida dari 2,9% menjadi lebih dari 6%. Peningkatan efisiensi dari DSC ini membuat posisi sel surya ini menjadi lebih siap untuk segera dikomersiilkan bersama produk pengkonversi energi lain. Pada masa yang akan datang diharapkan efisiensi DSC dapat lebih ditingkatkan lagi.

SCIENTIFIC PAPER (Part: Introduction)

Hi all,
today I'll share to you all about the course I got in experimental design. It is about how to write scientific paper correctly so that it can be published in international journal and accredited national journal with high impact factor. In this section, it'll introduce the important role of INTRODUCTION as one & the first part of paper. Okay, then have a nice read...

Scientific paper is written as the result of research. How to start the research?? Let's check it out:
1. Determine the research topic & join the community (association & list of respective journal)
2. Set the target for publishing research paper
3. Start it now!!!
4. Work, Work, and Work.

Important notes to write down the scientific paper is nearly listed below:
  • You need to construct an introduction that put your work in context for your readers and tells them why it is important.
  • Your method section must have readers in no doubt what you did and must enable them to reproduce your work if they want to.
  • You must present your results so that they can be easily understood and discuss your finding so that readers appreciate the implications of your work.

"Almost all good writing begins with terrible first effort. You need to start somewhere. Start by getting something - anything - down on paper. A friend of mine says that the first draft is the down draft - you just get it down. The second draft is the up draft - you fix it up."
Anne Lamott